Dr. Daniel Choi

Hudavi Wellness doctor long beach ca


ince I love sports myself as a licensed ski, snowboard, Tae Kwon Do instructor, and a lifeguard, I have quite experienced physical injuries, Thus, I have treated all pain issues naturally. I have also seen many patients who suffer from mental ailments such as stress, depression, and anxiety. I always try to insert even one single needle for a specific purpose and for my patients not to come back with the same symptoms. Gratefully, I have been rewarded by their positive feedback so far.

How I Approach…

I usually take steps to track down the root cause of issues based upon a meridian & organ treatment, musculoskeletal dermatome treatment, or tension myositis treatment. Typically, the treatment includes painless acupuncture, cupping, Moxibustion, electric stimulation with needles, auricular(ear) acupuncture, scalp(head) acupuncture, and herb prescription depending on patients’ condition and need.>

What We Should Be Aware of…

I also have a fill-up program called “Jubilee Month.” The program will help you to be full of energy just like filing up gas or changing motor oil of a car through a six-week intensive treatment on a yearly basis. Your internal organs will be detoxified and fully recharged, spines & hip bones will be straight up, and immune system will be more rational reducing the suffer from common cold or seasonal allergy. What we must be aware of is that we all have to prepare for the average life span of 100 for our generation, as we are able to.

Most of all, I would like to see and show you the decent result instead of spending more time to cover myself with a pretty wrapping paper.

Take care and stay in peace.

Daniel Choi, Acupuncturist & Herbalist

Ps. I will offer you a consultation to discuss whatever you might have in your mind for free of charge. Simply give us a call and make an appointment today.


This pain is getting worser by the hour
Chiropractic Treatment
Sportsman feeling backache at a park
Sports Injury Treatment
Concerned driver with defocused traffic accident
Auto Injury Treatment
up close of young man getting acupuncture in the middle of his back
Massage therapist massaging back of the young man
Massage Therapy


Hudavi Wellness

2240 Pacific Ave, Long Beach, CA 90806

(562) 433-2177

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